
[No.1938] カンナビジオール投与は、大麻使用者の海馬と扁桃体の休止状態の機能的接続を調節する




 (Functional neuroanatomy of visual object naming: A PET study March 1996 Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 234(2):110-5 DOI: 10.1007/BF00695250Motohiro KiyosawaChihiro InoueTsutomu Kawasaki、、、Yoshiaki Soma





材料と方法:大麻を使用する18人が、約 10週間のオープンラベルの実用的な臨床試験に参加した。毎日200 mgのCBDをカプセルで自己投与します。彼らは大麻暴露パターンを変更する必要はなかった。参加者は、ベースラインおよびCBD曝露後、構造磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)および機能的MRI安静状態課題(目を閉じた状態)で評価されました。シード-海馬と扁桃体のアプリオリ領域の機能的接続性の変化を調べるために、ベースの接続性分析が実行されました。私たちは、接続性の変化がカンナビノイド曝露(つまり、試験期間中の累積大麻投与量、および血漿CBD濃度およびΔ9-曝露後のテトラヒドロカンナビノール(THC)血漿代謝物)、およびメンタルヘルス(つまり、不安、うつ病、および陽性精神病症状スコアの重症度)、過去1か月間でのタバコ曝露、過去1か月間でのアルコール標準飲料、および累積CBD用量を考慮した裁判中。



Introduction: Cannabis use is associated with brain functional changes in regions implicated in prominent neuroscientific theories of addiction. Emerging evidence suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) is neuroprotective and may reverse structural brain changes associated with prolonged heavy cannabis use. In this study, we examine how an ∼10-week exposure of CBD in cannabis users affected resting-state functional connectivity in brain regions functionally altered by cannabis use. Materials and Methods: Eighteen people who use cannabis took part in a ∼10 weeks open-label pragmatic trial of self-administered daily 200 mg CBD in capsules. They were not required to change their cannabis exposure patterns. Participants were assessed at baseline and post-CBD exposure with structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a functional MRI resting-state task (eyes closed). Seed-based connectivity analyses were run to examine changes in the functional connectivity of a priori regions-the hippocampus and the amygdala. We explored if connectivity changes were associated with cannabinoid exposure (i.e., cumulative cannabis dosage over trial, and plasma CBD concentrations and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) plasma metabolites postexposure), and mental health (i.e., severity of anxiety, depression, and positive psychotic symptom scores), accounting for cigarette exposure in the past month, alcohol standard drinks in the past month and cumulative CBD dose during the trial. Results: Functional connectivity significantly decreased pre-to-post the CBD trial between the anterior hippocampus and precentral gyrus, with a strong effect size (d=1.73). Functional connectivity increased between the amygdala and the lingual gyrus pre-to-post the CBD trial, with a strong effect size (d=1.19). There were no correlations with cannabinoids or mental health symptom scores. Discussion: Prolonged CBD exposure may restore/reduce functional connectivity differences reported in cannabis users. These new findings warrant replication in a larger sample, using robust methodologies-double-blind and placebo-controlled-and in the most vulnerable people who use cannabis, including those with more severe forms of Cannabis Use Disorder and experiencing worse mental health outcomes (e.g., psychosis, depression).



